| Adam Lambert quotes: ♥ 1) "Wear it. Get that guyliner on, smudge it, and wear it. Don't wash it off, it looks better after its been on for a few days." 2) "I'm glad I'm causing gasms!" 3) "it's sheety!" 4) "I love the word 'weird'. I embrace the word 'weird'." 5) "Shoulder pads! (While shimmying back and forth)" 6) "Yeah! You can fly!" 7) "I'm going to glue rhinestones on my eyelids b****!"
"I'm not skerd!" 9) "Anyone who feels different or weird- screw it!" 10) "I was the weird kid. So, to all you weird kids out there- you can do it!" 11) "Life is all about taking risks to get what you want." 12) "My jacket! I'm excited about my outfit!" 13) "If sexy scares you, don't listen to my music." 14) "I wanna see you dance b******! Haha!" 15) "I like cupcakes... and dogs." 16) "I'm like the older, evil stepbrother." 17) "Im a nice rebel!!" 1 "Get ready to shake your ass and feel sexy!"
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