All Discussion Activity by OluwatobiEze23All Discussion Activity by OluwatobiEze23
OluwatobiEze23 has commented on the profile of OluwatobiEze23: Nabata na nyocha anyị miri emi banyere BC.Game Naịjirịa , ebe kacha elu na agwaetiti cha cha n'ịntanetị nke nwetara á»tụtụ ndị na-egwu egwu na obodo egwuregwu Naịjirịa. Ntuziaka a bu n'obi ikpughe ihe pụrụ iche, á»tụtụ egwuregwu dị iche iche, na usoro nchekwa siri ike nke na-eme ka BC.Game dị iche na asá»mpi. Anyị ga-ele anya nke á»ma na ahụmịhe ndị egwuregwu, ngwá»ta ịkwụ ụgwá» e mere maka ndị egwuregwu Naịjirịa, na akụrụngwa nkwado arụ á»rụ nke na-ekwe nkwa njem egwuregwu na-enweghị nsogbu. |