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Profile Comments by NataliyaRodinProfile Comments by NataliyaRodin
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of komodo:
Good day can you please delete my account?
5/9/20 at 9:32pm
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of komodo:
Good day can you please delete my account? I have asked for this months ago and I am being ignored. Why wont the admins delete my account?
11/7/19 at 9:03pm
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of komodo:
Good day can you please delete my account? I have asked for this months ago and I am being ignored. Why wont the admins delete my account?
10/19/19 at 7:11pm
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of CiTiBoY:
**UPDATE PLEASE READ**Hi friends, i am privileged and happy to have met some good people and hope to remain in contact with those people outside of DN. I have requested for account to be closed as I am going to permanently leave the site.I have enjoyed sharing content but I am simply just too busy with university and travel and I honestly have become really bored with the site since I first registered almost 4 years ago. I have learnt a lot and I have met good people. I will miss those certain people, Jake, John, Grimm, Blueangel, Dammiene, so many more. I have your emails and if I dont please send.I love you all, wish you all great wealth and great health. GodspeedПривет друзья, я привилегирован и счастлив встретить хороших людей и надеюсь оставаться в контакте с теми людьми вне DN. Я попросил закрыть счет, поскольку я собираюсь навсегда покинуть сайт.Мне нравилось делиться контентом, но я просто слишком занят университетом и путешествиями, и, честно говоря, мне стало очень скучно с сайта, так как я впервые зарегистрировался почти 4 года назад. Я многому научился, и я встретил хороших людей. Я пропущу этих определенных людей, Джейка, Джона, Гримма, Блуанджела, Даммиена, и многих других. У меня есть ваши письма, и если я не отправлю их.Я люблю всех вас, желаю вам всего великого богатства и здоровья. счастливого путиxXxX
9/13/18 at 9:44pm
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of JOHNBECK:
**UPDATE PLEASE READ**Hi friends, i am privileged and happy to have met some good people and hope to remain in contact with those people outside of DN. I have requested for account to be closed as I am going to permanently leave the site.I have enjoyed sharing content but I am simply just too busy with university and travel and I honestly have become really bored with the site since I first registered almost 4 years ago. I have learnt a lot and I have met good people. I will miss those certain people, Jake, John, Grimm, Blueangel, Dammiene, so many more. I have your emails and if I dont please send.I love you all, wish you all great wealth and great health. GodspeedПривет друзья, я привилегирован и счастлив встретить хороших людей и надеюсь оставаться в контакте с теми людьми вне DN. Я попросил закрыть счет, поскольку я собираюсь навсегда покинуть сайт.Мне нравилось делиться контентом, но я просто слишком занят университетом и путешествиями, и, честно говоря, мне стало очень скучно с сайта, так как я впервые зарегистрировался почти 4 года назад. Я многому научился, и я встретил хороших людей. Я пропущу этих определенных людей, Джейка, Джона, Гримма, Блуанджела, Даммиена, и многих других. У меня есть ваши письма, и если я не отправлю их.Я люблю всех вас, желаю вам всего великого богатства и здоровья. счастливого путиxXx
9/13/18 at 9:43pm
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of JOHNBECK:
I am going to miss you John, thank you for all the good chats xxoxox
9/4/18 at 6:03am
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of CiTiBoY:
Im gonna miss you Jake, goodluck xx
9/4/18 at 6:01am
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of Dennis52:
Clover group is yours Dennis xoxox mwah
8/12/18 at 11:42am
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of CiTiBoY:
Hi Jakey, was just busy this week with finals, back in Moscow this weekend with family then back to LA for last semester of the year xx
8/10/18 at 8:11pm
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of Fresca:
tHANKS for comment Kate! XXX
7/30/18 at 7:27am
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of GrimmTales:
You're #1 again!! :-D https://www.desktopnexus.com/groups/food-and-drinks-group
7/24/18 at 8:09am
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of GrimmTales:
Aw I see the FOOD group now, its fun though isnt it? Not much fun on this site so that little bit is worth having to keep the activity fun. You will be #1 again. Thanks for being a part of it and keeping things going xoxoxLove X
7/22/18 at 10:18am
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of GrimmTales:
Hey grimm thanks for the message, if you see it again please remove it if I dont get to it early, u are a mod of that group, I think it alows u to remove spammers, love xxx
7/15/18 at 12:32pm
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of GrimmTales:
HI Grimm, thanks for pointing out the spammer, post removed, member banned. Thank you xoxox
7/10/18 at 6:09am
NataliyaRodin has commented on the profile of emma999:
I can comment on whatever I want, however I want, whether you like it or not. I dont care. Try not to be such a huge bitch. I will delete your comment because I want nothing about you connected to me. I dont associate with scum xxx
7/5/18 at 8:15am
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