| I haven\'t been on lately since I have been very busy, but I will try to come on a lot more, and upload more pictures when I come on. |
| Since I made a journal entry about my dog Murdoch, I thought I should make a journal entry about my Betta Fish Hatter. I named him after the Mad Hatter. I don\'t really have much to say about Betta Fish. But if anyone who reads this would like to know a little bit about Betta Fish you can click on the link below that will take you to my Betta Fish group.
[URL=http://www.desktopnexus.com/groups/betta-fish/]http://www.desktopnexus.com/groups/bet ta-fish/[/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2407998/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2408012/] [/URL]
| I can\'t believe that it is almost Autumn! Time really flew by this year! The good thing about Autumn is that there are some really nice pictures that can be taken with a camera. |
| Here are two pictures that I uploaded of Murdoch.
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2400332/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2406105/] [/URL]
I have made two hound groups. If you would like to check them out or join, here are the links:
[URL=http://www.desktopnexus.com/groups/hound-dogs/]http://www.desktopnexus.com/grou ps/hound-dogs/[/URL]
[URL=http://www.desktopnexus.com/groups/transylvanian-hounds/]http://w ww.desktopnexus.com/groups/transylvanian-hounds/[/URL] |
| I am writing/typing this journal entry for two reasons:
1. I have no idea\'s for journal entries other than this one.
2. I wanted to write something about my adorable hound.
My Transylvanian Hound Murdoch is the first dog I have had in a long time!
When I got Murdoch I had noticed that his back right paw had a scar on it. His old owners had said something about Murdoch and getting his due-claw removed. I had no idea what a due-claw is, but I think it is one of their back claws on their hind paws.
He still chews his scared foot. I try to stop him from biting his paw but it never works... 
Transylvanian Hounds used to be used for hunting because of their great hound sniffing, they are still used for hunting in some places . I heard somewhere that hounds have better sniffing than most other dogs!
Transylvanian Hounds are very rare in most places other than Transylvania only because that is where these Hounds are from!
Murdoch is quite the trouble maker when he is outside! The reason being like most dogs, he barks A LOT at squirrels and chipmunks! 
I love him so much I do not know what I would do without him! 
I used a picture of Murdoch as my avatar. I took a few pictures of him that I would love to upload, but a few of them are a little blurry so I can\'t upload them!
I named Murdoch after the main character in one of my favourite shows: "Murdoch Mysteries". I will upload them soon and then I will make another journal entry with the pictures of my little trouble maker.
I hope whoever reads this enjoyed it!
| Yesterday I went to a harness race. If you are questioning yourself and asking "What is a harness race?" I will explain...I forgot to bring my camera with me so I do not have any pictures that I could upload, so it will be kind of hard to explain. But I will explain the best I can. A harness race is where there is more than one person racing against each other. The people who are racing are sitting behind their own horse. The people sit in their own chair like thing on wheels. The horses speed is mainly a canter/lope. If you are not sure how fast that is, I have made a little list that shows (in order) all of the horse gaits/speeds.
Walk:Slowest speed Trot:A little faster than a walk Canter/Lope:This gait/speed was the main gait/speed that was used at the harness race. It is sort of the middle speed because it is not too fast and it is not too slow. Gallop: A gallop is basically a run. When you are talking you would not say "The horse is running." You would say "The horse is galloping."
When the horses were doing warm ups on the track, the odd time a truck would go around on the track with a big flat metal thing attached to the back of the truck flattening the track for the next race. There was another truck spraying water onto the track to smooth out the track for the next race. When the people are racing each other, they have to go around the whole entire track one and a half times. The horse that crosses the finish line first wins! Most of the horses were brown. Two of the horses were grayish. Even though I was not racing, I wish I was racing though , it was very fun watching! I myself REALLY love horses, especially Shetland ponies. If you do not know what a Shetland pony is, it is the smallest type of pony. They are SUPER cute!!! Anyways I do not know what type of horses were used for the harness race... Although I wish I knew. |
| Here is my wish list for my animal sculptures group.
-Dogs [URL=//abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2401290/] [/URL]
-Birds [URL=//abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2403911/] [/URL]
-Wolfs [URL=//abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2403924/] [/URL]
Along with any other animals!  If there are more than one animals in the picture that is okay. |
| If anyone has joined my Land Of Fairies group, here is my wish list. -Fairies of any shape and/or size. -Fairy animals. -Garden Fairies. -Fairies in Forests. -Fairy Houses. You can also see this list in the group overview. |
| I am stuck on what to take pictures of other than chipmunks, chipping sparrows and flowers! If anyone has any suggestions feel free to leave a reply. The suggestion must have to do with nature! |
| In my last journal entry I had said that I took some pictures of a chipmunk, a chipping sparrow and a cardinal. I had to delete the cardinal picture because it was very blurry. Below are some of the pictures I took.
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402066/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402064/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402063/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402062/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402057/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402043/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402033/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402032/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402031/] [/URL]
[URL=//animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/2402030/] [/URL]
I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures.
| More DNI haven\'t been on lately since I have been very busy, but I will try to come on a lot more, and upload more pictures when I come on....Introducing.....HatterSince I made a journal entry about my dog Murdoch, I thought I should make a journal entry about my Betta Fish Hatter. I named him after the Mad Hatter. I don\'t really have much to say about Betta Fish. But if anyone who reads this would like to know a l...Getting Closer To Autumn!I can\'t believe that it is almost Autumn! Time really flew by this year! The good thing about Autumn is that there are some really nice pictures that can be taken with a camera. ...Here he is!Here are two pictures that I uploaded of Murdoch. I have made two hound groups. If you would like to check them out or join, here are the links:http://www.desktopnexus.com/groups/hound-dogs/http://www.desktopnexus.com/groups/transylvanian-hounds/...My Big Little BuddyI am writing/typing this journal entry for two reasons:1. I have no idea\'s for journal entries other than this one.2. I wanted to write something about my adorable hound.My Transylvanian Hound Murdoch is the first dog I have had in a long time! When I g...The Harness RaceYesterday I went to a harness race. If you are questioning yourself and asking "What is a harness race?" I will explain...I forgot to bring my camera with me so I do not have any pictures that I could upload, so it will be kind of hard to explain. But I w...Wish List For My Animal Sculptures GroupHere is my wish list for my animal sculptures group. -Dogs -Birds -Wolfs Along with any other animals! If there are more than one animals in the picture that is okay. ...Land Of Fairies Wish ListIf anyone has joined my Land Of Fairies group, here is my wish list.-Fairies of any shape and/or size.-Fairy animals.-Garden Fairies.-Fairies in Forests.-Fairy Houses.You can also see this list in the group overview. ...New things to take pictures ofI am stuck on what to take pictures of other than chipmunks, chipping sparrows and flowers! If anyone has any suggestions feel free to leave a reply. The suggestion must have to do with nature! ...Chipmunks and Chipping SparrowsIn my last journal entry I had said that I took some pictures of a chipmunk, a chipping sparrow and a cardinal. I had to delete the cardinal picture because it was very blurry. Below are some of the pictures I took. I hope you enjoyed looking at...My new favorite things to take pictures of !Today I was outside taking pictures of a chipmunk and a bird. I took around 63 pictures of the chipmunk, 1 picture of a cardinal and 9 pictures of a chipping sparrow. So anytime I go out side and I feel like a have nothing to take a picture of, I will jus... Recently Spotted MembersNo members found. Be the first. |