| Okay so today I\'ll have to be quick I\'m going away on holiday in a few hours but today I\'m going to do something which will be mega awkward if my friends from school see. But anyway today\'s journal entry is about kind of everything that has been cooped up inside me for about a year and you\'re probably thinking tell your friends or why tell us but if I tell anyone at my school they will be like, don\'t try and make out you have such a hard life, or don\'t be so silly go away, or that was dramatic. Because, quite frankly, they\'re stupid! No offence girls. But I assure you all of this is true. 200% true. So let\'s begin!!!
Now my friends think I\'m mean and bossy they don\'t like me as much as anyone else in the gang. I totally respect and understand that. Okay, I\'m not the nicest person, I woul never say that. But if you didn\'t like someone that is meant to be your friend as much as the other people, would you make it known? Probably not unless you\'re mean but what I don\'t understand is that 3 girls in the gang always seem to make it known when they don\'t want me around. Sometimes, I walk over and they kinda just drift off.
Now my grandma was in hospital, people were being mean to me at school, and I have major problems at home. Like my mum and dad not being able to pay the bills, so we keep getting powercuts, my mum said she was filing the divorce papers and so you can probably understand I haven\'t been in the best of moods. But oh no, they have to make out that it\'s MY FRICKING FAULT all of that\'s happening. Like WTF?!?!?! Sometimes I am crying at school, yeah, CRYING. They don\'t even come over and say oh are you okay what\'s the matter, y\'know? And if they do ( rare ) they take their f****** time over it. I don\'t really care, my two other friends out of school could make up for 100 of them. But I still class them as my friends and it really upsets me when they act like they just don\'t care.
Y\'know, that feels so good. To finally let it out o someone, even if I don\'t know them. Even of it\'s just you guys.
Well thanks for reading see you later today if I have time otherwise on Tuesday!!!!
Layla AKA Lilyt11 |
| Aw Rosie. I like no. 10!!! Btw I know it says on my profile that I\'m angry at someone on here I am it\'s not u tho so don\'t worry ok???? It\'s Lucy only something she said a little while ago I\'m still angry about. Bye!!! |
| Okay so for the creeeeppyyyy stories. I decided that I\'d tell you my creepiest movies first
1). Annabelle 2). The Conjuring
I will finish it later!!!! |
| Ok guys I am so sorry about doing such a stupid story. If you want mine is the blog for you.
okay so it\'s nearly Halloween, everybody knows that. Noowww. Creepy Storiess. I\'m kind of know by my friends as the freaky story maestro. When we go on school trips away they\'re like Oh Layla, tell us a creepy story! So here and now I have decided that on Thursdays, ( maybe weekends if I\'m not busy) Mondays, and Tuesdays will be the days that I upload a blog with scary stories. So watch this space! Sometimes I may do more posts than that, sometimes less. But I promise that I will try and stick to at least 2 posts a week ( regarding spooky stories ). Okay so I just need to do something for my mum and then i\'ll post it.
Layla AKA Lilyt11 |
| My heroes.
BENJAMIN LASNIER!!!! Justin Mahome Calum Hood Jake Short Joel Courtney. Jacob Latimore Cameron Boyce Cody Simpson
And definitely NOBODY ELSE. NO ONE. #winkwinknudgenudgeRolo
There is my list of heroes! Please research them, especially my Beji ( Benjamin Lasnier tlomy (( the love of my ((( imaginary ))) life)) ) as they are all cool and good looking so... See you tomorrow guys! I have a powercut so my iPod isn\'t charging and I need to turn it off before it runs outta battery. Bye!
See ya, Layla AKA Lilyt11
| Hi guys. YAYYYYYYYY I basically reached my target. It\'s 12:15 and I have 73 profile views! I\'m really happy and someone read my profile right when I was looking. The numbers changed from 72 to 73! So whoever read it for the 73rd time, I want to give you a special mention. I love you! Here is the link for a picture of the girl I did the makeup tutorial about, Wednesday Addams. This us the deathly pale look I was going for! Enjoy!
| Hi guys. As promised this is my Halloween makeup tutorial. Sooooo. I am going as a girl from a film called The Addams Family. They are these weird vampirish people an it\'s about their lives basically. So I am going as the little girl from that film. Her name is Wednesday Addams. So... This is what you\'re going to need! A long sleeved black gown with a lace neckpiece. Two hairbands/a two plait wig, black hair A long wear pressed powder: mine is the Calvin Klein light natural purity long wear pressed powder. A BIG face brush: mine us the TLC brush in large Foundation: mine\'s the Rimmel London medium coverage long wear foundation. Concealer: mine\'s the Rimmel London concealer stick. Lipsil/non scented non coloured lip balms: mine is the Nivea essential care lipsil Lip gloss/lipstick: mine is The Colour Institute lipgloss and The Body Collection (BC) lip gloss pallette. Fake blood/really RED lipgloss.
Okay so let\'s start! First, I concealed any imperfections that I have eg spots, cuts, etc. Next, I apply my foundation. Note: if you want a really vampirish look at the end, don\'t conceal any bags under your eyes that you have. When the foundation and concealer have dried, take your light coloured pressed powder and dust your face. I ended up looking like a ghost at the end, but that\'s alright! Next I applied my lipsil, so my lips didn\'t dry out with all the lipgloss I was about to put on! So then, dribble the fake blood down the sides of your mouth or if you\'re using lipgloss, dab sone in streaks down your chin. Braid your hair, put on the dress, and people will instantly know that you are Wednesday Addams!
Layla AKA Lilyt11 |
| Hey guys Lilyt11 here AKA Layla. Today I am aiming to get by 12:00 am (at night) 75 profile views!!! Please help me make this possible and tell everyone of your friends about Desktopnexus and me!!! By TOMORROW\'S 12:00 am ( at night) I am working towards 150 PROFILE VIEWS AND 10 COMMENTS!!! Please help guys. It makes me soooooooo happy. Not kidding aak my friends. I came into school on Friday displaying my phone and screaming "197 PROFILE VIEWS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGGGGHHHHHHHH!" so yeah! Please read my profile and comment. |
| Hi everybody!!! Today\'s journal entry would have been about people who have commented and specially mentioning their names. Except that some people have read them and not commented. I just can\'t do ANYTHING on a site like this without messaging someone! Lol. So I hope someone comments soon-I promise you the special mention and I\'ll write a story about you on my journal page one night. |
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