Full Name: | Allie Lizabell | Location: | California | Occupation: | ♥College Student, Foot Locker♥ | Birthday: | April 28th, 1990 | | Last Login: | 4/4/12 | Join Date: | 5/12/09 | Profile Views: | 16,139 |
My Website: | purplestar.blog.com | | About Me: |
OH MY GOD I'M BACK! Hey, everyone, I'm going to be logginq onto my desktop nexus a whole lot, noww. YAY! I miss everyone so so much! :)
♥Hi people!♥
I'm Allie, nice to meet you. I'm just an average emo and gothic 17 year old girl living in California. My B-Day is April 28, so awesome, and I love where I live. It's like on this small deserted part of a beach called Fail Beach. My dad named it that, lol. Anyways, I like meeting new people, and I love helping. I'm quiet sometimes, although, I can be loud sometimes. Ha, but that's like at dramatic times, ya know?
I like discovering awesome new things and I like Anime pictures alot. Desktop Nexus is a website I found when I was browsing for some new pictures. So, I signed up! I try to get on everyday to, but seriously, I really can't.
I love all the pictures this website has. The community is nice, I can just be myself and not worry about what other people think. It's like a place where I can explain myself, like in a diary. But I don't keep one, I have a journal, lol.
I love the abstract section here in DN, it's so 3D and amazing! It's the best place I could ever explain and be myself, well, besides my room, lol.
Oh! Just a little P.S., I'm half causcasion and half latino....really cool! Okay, Sees You!
Luvs from Cali!
HA! You seriously thought I was done? NOPE! Lol, uhh let's see, I'm a tomboy, I don't like peabut butter that much. Grape jelly's cool, lol. I just met this cool girl in DN named Farninelli, oh gosh she's awesome already. I really love to play my guitair, (which is purple) and my friend Stacen is in a jazz band. Allie Heather Lizabell, my whole name, is really proud to present that I have an awesome boyfriend named Shane. He plays the Sax, (smooth) LOL!! Like Franinelli said, I'm gonna always be a kid, no matter what. Lol, I still watch Elmo!!!! Lol, just kidding, I'm not a 4 year old.
♥Sometimes people tease me, and sometimes they call me a boy, but I really don't care. The heck with them! Even though I'm a kid, though I have to protest, sometimes I am pretty mature. I don't ever really hold in some secrets, except for the important ones lol. Seriously, I'm not scared to admit anything. I'ma brave girl, living in California, going into the woods every day, seeing bears and snakes, and you seriously wouldn't believe I'm brave? Ahh, so yeah thats me. I'm pretty sure I'll be Adding more to this bio, but all well.
♥Luvs from Cali!
Lol, told you I'd be adding stuff. I may have already told you, but I work at foot locker. Really awesome, oh yeah, so cool, lol, just kidding. Sometimes, to be really honest, I watch SpongeBob Squarepants! Lol, i don't think anyone has the total right to judge cuz I bet you watch it 2...................yeah didn't think so, lol. I just adore little baby animals, and especially kittens. I have a girl kitten named Deliliah. Just the cutest little thing! I have a dog too named Toby. Hes so cute 2. Anyways, my friend Stacen, well, she works at some fashion company whichathingy and, well, she said i could model some clothes and stuff over there!!! Cool right? So basicly, I'm gonna be modeling bikinis, booty shorts, lol shirts, sweaters, jackets, shirts, pants, purses, earrings, you know, all that cool stuff. I live in California, (i think I told you this but,) i live in this like deserted part called Fail Beach. Really fun and awesome! I'm looking forward to being a vet, taking care of wounded and sick animals. ♥Luvs from Cali!!!
OMG! this is like a very new update! see, i'm watching a lot of tv now and days and a lot of british people are speaking. IM SPEAKING BRITISH BABY! lol, my words just come out different and i get comments about it ALL the time. ok thats it for now, lol.
♥Luvs from Cali!♥]
♥Allie. | | Interests: | Man, where do I start. Well, I totally love the colors black, white, purple, and green. They're totally my favs. But I like blue also.
I'm sort of a Tech Computer Chick lol. I get on the computer most of the time, and if I'm home in the summer, this is where I'll be!!
I also just adore reading, and I have the best writing skills. When I was a kid, I use to write my own stories, really nice and realaxing.
I like the sunsets, painting, I sometimes give to the poor, I love shopping, everything's so awesome!!! | | Favorite Music: | Well, I do love:
♥Janas Brothers
♥Miley Cyrus
♥Green Day
♥Jimmy Eat World
♥Bon Jovi
♥Smashing Pumpkins
♥♥And more I can't think of! :D Lol!♥♥ | | Favorite Movies: | I really don't watch movies, it's weird. But May 28, I saw Mall Cop. Oh my goodness, it's really funny! | | Favorite TV Shows: | I don't watch all that TV. I write books and get on the computer in my mean time. Also, I go outside in my hammock and read books. |
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