Favorite wallpapers of KolFavorite wallpapers of Kol
The Shy AngelUploaded by: Daxe09
Date Uploaded: 5/31/11
Resolution: 1920x1200
Date Uploaded: 5/31/11
Resolution: 1920x1200
Downloads: 2,135
Comments: 11
Favorited: 54
Points: +71
Comments: 11
Favorited: 54
Points: +71
Deep Purple Velve IrisUploaded by: tedisoo
Date Uploaded: 4/15/09
Resolution: 1563x1413
Date Uploaded: 4/15/09
Resolution: 1563x1413
Downloads: 470
Comments: 4
Favorited: 15
Points: +29
Comments: 4
Favorited: 15
Points: +29