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Journal for CollieSmileJournal for CollieSmile
Dec 17, 2012

Hi Everybody,

There are so many of you that I am behind on getting back to! You\'ve had some great things to say and share.. Hopefully, I can finally start playing catch up now!:D

Sara1970 told me something that has stuck with me. I don\'t know anyone that could disagree with it. She read a quote that goes something like this: (her words)

"No matter what is going wrong in your life, someone else in the world wishes they had YOUR problems."

That saying rang so true when I found out about the tragedy in Connecticut at Sandy Hook school. Anyone who suffered the loss of a loved one would trade that agony for my failed hard drive-- in a heart beat!

I was wondering if you all would be interesting in doing something to reach out to the people in Conneticut. Here is what I have done.

I\'ve made a wallpaper for them. In the description, I\'ve written them a letter.


I know that I\'m not the only one on DN who is hurting with these sweet people... I have some suggestions that you can use if you feel led to.

If you are a wallpaper designer, design a wallpaper for them, or upload a beautiful image for them that you find on line. Teddy Bears, Flowers, a beautiful nature scene, a prayer...anything you think of that they might appreciate. If you wish you could make a wallpaper for them and you are short on time, you could take a beautiful wallpaper that you have uploaded recently, and Edit the Title and description for them.

You might want to put a letter in it like I did, or a short note, or a quote that helps you through your tough times. You might want to put a link in it to something special, i.e. a comforting song.

If you don\'t upload wallpapers but want to do something, you can vote up these wallpapers, comment on them and download them.

**********I have thought of a way to keep these wallpapers together in a group. Put the word "SANDYHOOK" in your tag words (as one word)********

That is the name of the elementary school where it all happened. You can list "Sandy Hook" as a tag word also, of course. But right now, my wallpaper is the only one with the tag sandyhook in it. I want my wallpaper to have company! Some of you have made wallpapers already about this, just put that tag in and my wallpaper won\'t be alone anymore.:)

I will vote up and comment on any wallpaper that deals with this tragedy. (I would download them also, but I don\'t have enough hard drive to do a lot of downloads right now.) All of us could easily vote on these walls and comment on them. All we would have to do is enter "sandyhook" into the search bar and we could see all of them at once.

Please pass these suggestions all over Desktop Nexus. For example, If you have some fans that you know I don\'t have, leave a note on their profile with a link to my journal. I have entered these words in my latest journal entry. (Today, December 17th)


If you have any questions about this, PM me, and I\'ll get back to you as soon as I can. A PM would grab my attention the quickest, and if you leave questions on my profile, I might miss them.

Have a beautiful and compassionate week, everyone.

Elaine :)
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