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Journal for CollieSmileJournal for CollieSmile

Hi Everybody,

This is to bring everybody up to speed on why I have been semi absent on DN this week.

I used this cute wallpaper of a Teddy Bear with a thermometer in it\'s mouth to let people know that something was wrong with me.


It got the message across, but it also got several people wondering if I had the flu or something.

The good news is No, I do not have the flu! If I had that on top of what else I\'ve been going through, I\'d be a real mess. Believe me, if I had been able to find a wallpaper about bruised ribs, I would have used it. I even thought about making one, but I was too sore to do that when I picked out this wallpaper.

I am sore because I fell off the end of a bench at my exercise club on Monday, Feb.4th. It happened in the locker room. I had put my coat and purse in a locker, sat down to tie my shoes, and was about to put my lock on the locker so I could start my exercise routine. I slid down the bench in order to be at a better angle to close the locker. The bench ended earlier than I thought it did. :P


I hid the floor very hard, on my left side, yelping in surprise as I went down. I had the wind knocked out of me on one side. People ran for help as I struggled to breathe normally.

My trainer and some other employees asked me if I wanted an ambulance, but I said No Way! Eventually they were able to help me back up onto the bench. After about 15 minutes, I was able to get up, hobble over to a stationary cycle & start my workout. Slowly & painfully, I managed to get through the whole routine. I don\'t think I made anything worse, but I was still plenty sore when I left the club.

(Just for the record, my doctor told me later that I should have rested and gone straight home. So I\'ll remember that for next time-- except that there\'s not going to be a next time if I can help it!)

I have been finding out a lot about just how much "fun" a bruised ribcage can be.

I feel fine if I don\'t laugh, make any sudden moves, or breathe wrong. Coughing, Sneezing and Hiccuping are very painful.

The action of lying down hurts like heck. Getting out of a lying position hurts even more. Lying down itself feels wonderful. So does not moving.

My doctor told me not to exercise for at least a week. If I am not feeling better after a week, I have to go get my ribs X rayed to check for fractures.

I got myself into real trouble last night. I made the mistake of going to sleep on my left side. It is weaker than my right side, as well as being my sore side. I woke up at 4AM and tried to go to the bathroom. Every time I tried to move, pain shot through me.

My husband was a real hero. He got up and started helping me and coaching me. After 45 minutes of struggling in pain, I realized that I felt like I was in labor!

Finally after about an hour, I managed to move enough so that I was able to get off of the bed and stand up. As I headed for the bathroom, a weird sensation went through me. I felt like I had never been stuck on the bed at all. It was like just like after I delivered my first baby. I had several amazing moments when I felt great; like I had never been pregnant at all. (Those moments ended abruptly when my newborn daughter started crying.)

Little by little, I am improving. I am still on pain medication around the clock, and I\'m being very careful. I have been able to be on DN some, and I have even been able to work on some wallpapers. (I\'m hoping that I will be able to upload them tonight or tomorrow. That would be so cheering...!)

So that\'s what has been going on with me this week. All of you please stay well, and whatever you do, don\'t slide off of any benches! I wouldn\'t wish bruised ribs on my worst enemy!

CollieSmile :)

PS. Some of you jokers out there like to send me funny links. Usually, I enjoy getting them, but hold off on those for awhile, please.

It hurts when I laugh. :P
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2/7/13 at 7:15pmOuch ... Ouch ... Ouch ... Elaine! by UniversalExplorer
I understand that kind of pain Elaine. A few years back I threw out my back vacuuming & just getting out of bed to go to the bathroom took over a half hour of crying in excruciating pain, let alone the actual going to the bathroom. Eventually it healed. Y...   Read More >>
2/20/13 at 2:20pmRosasio by Rosasio
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