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Journal for CollieSmileJournal for CollieSmile
April 2013

I had a terrible case of insomnia last night. I actually went to bed earlier than usual because I had a get together planned with my Mom. But for some reason, I could not sleep until 5:30 AM this morning! I ended up canceling my get together, and going back to bed.

There were thunderstorms blowing through my area. I almost never use my computer when there are electrical storms. One of my sisters fried her computer one time during a t-storm, so I don\'t want to risk it.

I turned on the TV instead. And found myself staring at a chaotic scene in West Texas.

As I listened to the news about the explosion at the fertilizer plant, I thought, "How can this be happening? The Boston Marathon and now this? My heart went out to the people there, but my brain felt dazed.

Then I thought about the wallpaper I made last Sunday: "You\'ll Never Walk Alone: Words for Stormy Times."

I made this wallpaper because of some personal struggles that I am going through. In fact, my first version of it is a plain wallpaper. But I made the second one with the words, to encourage myself and other people as well. All of us have problems that we are dealing with. I thought the wallpaper might help other people too. I never dreamed when I made it how apropos it would be for Boston and West Texas.

Yesterday, I edited the wallpaper & put a note in to the people of Boston Massachusetts. Now here I was (at 3AM this morning) staring in disbelief at another tragedy caused by a serious explosion. (At this point, they don\'t know whether a crime was committed, or if it was simply a tragic industrial accident.)

I\'m sure that the people of West, Texas were following the news of the Boston Marathon Tragedy, and were very concerned for the people of Boston. And then a similar devastating explosion happened to them! :( How sad, and how ironic for them!

Back when the Sandy Hook school tragedy happened I made a wallpaper for the people of Connecticut. At the time, I encouraged some of my DN friends to make Sandy Hook wallpapers also. Some beautiful ones were made. (You can see some of them at this link, and others were probably made also.)

I wish that I could make an encouraging wallpaper for Boston and another one for west, Texas, but I\'m not able to at this time. I have some abstract wallpapers in the works, but none of them lend themselves to the right kind of wall. Neither to the photographs I have on hand. Also, I don\'t use on line images for the wallpapers I make.

Most of all, I am so tangled up in my own problems that it\'s hard for me to think straight. Often getting through the day is plenty for me to handle lately. But....

Maybe some of you DN members could...... :)

If you have a clear mind (unlike me at the present time) and you decide to make some encouraging wallpapers, I would love to see them. It isn\'t just the people of Boston and West Texas that would appreciate them. I think that the whole continent and beyond would!

If you do upload wallpapers for these tragic events, there is even a group that you can add them to. I am so glad that GreenFroggy/Di thought of starting this group. It\'s called Tributes. It was created back in February. It only has about 6 members so far, so there\'s room for more. :D Here is the link.


If you can make a wallpaper for tributes at this time, that is great! If you can\'t, I can sure understand! Since I can\'t make any right now myself, I thought that I would at least get the idea to do so out on DN. That\'s why I wrote this journal entry. Thanks for reading it! :D

CollieSmile :)

PS. If you make one, be sure and post it on my profile. I most definitely will vote it up and comment on it! :D

UPDATE: 2 people have made some Tribute wallpapers already! :D :D :D Maybe I\'ll post them in this journal entry or another one. :)
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