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Journal for CollieSmileJournal for CollieSmile

(This post is mainly for my fans and friends, but anyone is welcome to read it.)

Hi Everybody!

I am alive and well on the DN map as you can see, but I\'ve had a lot going on in my non DN life. I\'ve really been scrambling trying to catch up with DN and everything else!

My brother has been in and out of the hospital for the past 2 months. His sodium levels were dangerously low, due to some medications he was taking. He\'s been in very rough shape-- in fact back on Christmas Day was one of the times he went to the Emergency room.

Shortly after New Years, my Mom called me and told me that she was taking my Dad to Emergency at his doctor\'s orders. The doctor thought my Dad had pneumonia. My parents are in their mid 80\'s, and of course pneumonia is not something to mess with!

I went to emergency to give my poor stressed out Mom moral support and do whatever I could to help. In fact, for a number of days, the hospital was my main hangout. That is because my Dad and my brother were both in the hospital at the same time for awhile! (The hospital\'s soup and baked custard were pretty good!:P :))

It turned out that my Dad had a nasty case of influenza.(flu)

Happily, my Dad and brother are home now and doing much better. But my Mom is still struggling to get over her flu, which thank goodness, she did not have to be hospitalized for. I\'m very thankful that I haven\'t caught it myself! But I am still dealing with a lot right now.

Due to additional health problems my Dad has been experiencing, I am going to have less time than I did before on DN. I need to be more available for my parents, and my brother. I also need to take care of some things in my own life that have been getting neglected.

I have to rebudget the time that I spend on DN, because now I have less of it. For that reason, I\'ve had to make the decision to discontinue making weekly profile posts. I\'ll also be cutting down on wallpaper designing...sigh.

I am Not leaving DN though, and I am determined to stay in touch with all of you as best as I can. Here is what I\'ll be doing:

1. I\'ll try to answer all of your profile posts to me. If you have something important to tell me, you might want to PM me. PMs are easier for me to keep track of, and I\'ll answer them for sure.

2. I\'ll be making journal posts more often. I\'ll make mention of them, when I do, in that education slot that everybody, including me, has so much fun with. I love reading those, by the way. In fact, my own slot is pretty silly right now.:D

3. I will still be making wallpaper comments whenever I can. If I comment on one of your wallpapers from now on, please consider that as a hello from me.:) (If you haven\'t uploaded any wallpapers, I will drop by to say hello once in a while. :) )

4. There is one other way that you can stay in touch with me, and I hope that you will. I\'ve formed two Groups that I invite you to join. (Some of you already have, for which I thank you!) I have also joined some of your groups. Feel free to invite me to any you have formed or any that you think I would fit in to. :)

This wallpaper has (in it\'s description) links to both of the groups that I\'ve started.


Groups are wonderful! I\'ve joined 33 of them so far, and I will join more of them if they are a good fit for me. They are my Consolation Prize for having less time to spend on DN. They don\'t take that much time either. That\'s another reason that I decided to get involved with them.

One of the best things about Groups is that there is finally a good place on DN that you can add your Holiday wallpapers too-- i.e. Halloween, Easter, etc. Putting Christmas wallpapers in the "Abstract" Category always did seem wierd to me... There are also great places to put other walls that are hard to categorize. Have you ever had a wallpaper fit 3 categories at once, but you could only pick one? Now you can have one wallpaper in as many groups as you want. I have at least one wallpaper in 7 different groups.

Finding wallpapers you want will be easier too. For example, have you ever tried looking up "Independence Day" or "butterfly" in the wallpaper search bar? Oh boy! 167 pages to search through on each of those, and there is no guarantee that the wallpapers will even be on topic. But there is a Butterfly group and a "Proud to Be an American Group" where these types of walls are now a lot easier to find!

Whatever you do, please stay in touch with me... And have fun with the new wallpaper group system. A couple of people mentioned to me that they are concerned that the wallpaper groups will become cliques. I don\'t see that happening. I for one don\'t have time to stand around clicking away in some group... And with that terrible pun, I am going to end this post while I am behind. :P

CollieSmile/Elaine :D
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3 responses have been posted to this journal entry. Post Your Response!
1/12/13 at 12:44amHi sweetie, by AVABOO
You take care of your family, but of your self to, i had to take care of my mom and my aunt and she was bed ridden and never walked or talk so you had to take care of her like an infant, and trust me you don\'t take care of you it will hit you hard and yo...   Read More >>
1/12/13 at 2:41pmsick? by specialmagic73
glad you\'re feeling better, take your time and get back into it slowly, we\'re not going anywhere ...   Read More >>
1/18/13 at 3:38pmTo:CollieSmile From:KJ by TaylorSwiftFan
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