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Full Name:Claudia M.
Location:Reading, England
Birthday:July 1st
Last Login:8/13/12
Join Date:7/15/12
Profile Views:7,438
Personal Information
About Me:Hello
I'm Claudia (pronounced like in Italy), and live in the UK. Originally from Colombia, i was adopted and brought over to England at the age of 8... the rest is a long and very interesting story... I LOVE all the super beautiful pictures on this site and really enjoy looking at other peopl's amazing art work... wish i had the same talent! I believe in judging others by who they are and NOT by their looks and cannot stand shallow people
Interests:Animals, especially cats (Siamese), fantasy art (of course), all things Gothic, interior design,
Favorite Music:All kinds including 80's and 90's, Kasabian, Kaiser Chiefs, U2, Queen, Rolling Stones, Adam Ant, The Prodigy, etc...
Favorite Books:Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, books on the history of interesting things like pirates, the occult (vampires, werewolves, ghosts), horror and particularly comedy and yes, certain erotica
Favorite Movies:Leon, The USual Suspects, Woman in Black, The Others, The Goonies, Lost Boys, IT, Stand By Me (all my childhood favourites which make me feel so nostalgic!), Collateral, Harry Potter, Dog Soldiers,tboy Run, Bad Teacher, Superbad, Bridesmaids, Paul, Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, Run Fa Underworld, The Ghost and The Darkness, etc..
Favorite TV Shows:The Big Bang Theory, Most Haunted, The Simpsons, My Family, Frasier, Animal Planet, National Geographic,
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Profile Comments
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theday228Posted by theday228   11/26/12 at 8:20am
Hello, how are you? Nice to meet you, may I be your friend? Have a nice day!
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   10/5/12 at 3:36pm

roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   9/16/12 at 9:19am
hello dear friend:D have a good day/evening:D [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/cascadaenmvto.
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   9/6/12 at 10:47am
hello dear friend:D hugs:D [URL=http://www.funscrape.com/Comments/Good_Day.aspx][/URL] [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Friendship.aspx][/URL]
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   9/2/12 at 1:21am
[url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/]free image hosting[/url] [url=http://postimage.org/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/]photo hosting[/url]

[I do not know if I dreamed,
I do not know if he slept,
and the voice of an angel
Said to tell you
celebrates life/color]

Think freely,
helps people,
and whatever you want
Fight and be patient.

Carry a light load
cling to anything
Because in this world,
nothing is forever.

Look for a star
be your guide,
Hurt no one
Spread joy.

Celebrate life, celebrate life,
Because nothing is saved
Everything is shared.
Celebrate life, celebrate life,
second to second and every day.

And if someone cheats
to say "I Love You"
add fuel to the fire
and start again.

Do not let fall
your dreams to the ground
The more you love
closer the sky.

Cries against hate
against lying,
that war is death;
is life and peace.

Celebrate life, celebrate life,
Because nothing is saved
Everything is shared.
Celebrate life, celebrate life,
second to second ...

roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/29/12 at 1:15pm
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/26/12 at 1:43pm
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/25/12 at 11:46pm
carlosmadridPosted by carlosmadrid   8/25/12 at 1:26pm
carlosmadridPosted by carlosmadrid   8/25/12 at 1:11pm
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/24/12 at 6:17pm
GIFT OF GOD 1.EL GIFT OF LIFE: Life is the greatest gift that God and we have to enjoy every last moment, whether good times or bad times must be seized.♥ [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/baby-graphics-comment
s-1.php][/url] [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/]Pictures, Images[/img][/url] [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/baby-graphics-comment
s-1.php][/url] [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/]Pictures, Images[/img][/url] [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 2.THE GIFT OF THE FAMILY: The family is the basic community social structure where members, united by love, are irreplaceable scope to grow as people♥ [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 3.THE GIFT OF TEACHING: Communicate knowledge, skills, ideas and experiences to a person who does not have them with the intention that understand and make use of them.♥ [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 4.THE GIFT PROBLEMS: because it teaches us that the problems facing learn to be strong♥ [url=http://www.desicomments.com/sad/tear-2/][/url] [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 5.THE GIFT OF FRIENDSHIP: Friendship is a value that comes from God, is the opportunity we have to approach the pain and joy of others, is to divide and multiply sadness joy.♥ [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/friends-comments-1.ph
p][/url] [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/]Pictures, Images[/img][/url] [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/friends-comments-1.ph
p][/url] [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/]Pictures, Images[/img][/url] [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 6.THE GIFT OF GRACE: The ability to listen and accept others♥ [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 7 THE GIFT OF FORGIVENESS: The act of excusing an offender without resentment keep you because of your offense and waiving all rights of reward.♥ [URL=http://es.blingee.com/blingee/view/126314548-So-Sorry][/URL] [URL=http://es.blingee.com/pictures/im-so-sorry]im so sorry Fotograf�as[/URL] [URL=http://es.blingee.com/blingee/view/120538521-Sorry-in-B
lue-][/URL] [URL=http://es.blingee.com/pictures/selena-in-blue]selena in blue Fotograf�as[/URL] [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 8 THE GIFT OF LOVE: It is the most beautiful feeling that there♥ [URL=http://www.imagehousing.com/image/357721][/URL] [url=http://www.desi44.com/love/love-is-thats-condition/][/url] [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Dividers.aspx][/URL] 9.THE GIFT OF FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.♥ [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/religious-comments-1.
php][/url] [url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/]Pictures, Images[/img][/url]
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/24/12 at 9:23am
[URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Friendship.aspx][/URL] [URL=http://www.123tagged.com/Comments/Friday.aspx][/URL] HELLO DEAR FRIEND:D HAVE A NICE DAY:D
Jerry46Posted by Jerry46   8/24/12 at 8:55am
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/23/12 at 11:18am
hello dear friend:D hugs:D [URL=http://es.blingee.com/blingee/view/128057741-a-sweet-da
y-for-you-][/URL] [URL=http://es.blingee.com/pictures/a-nice-day-for-my-friend
s]a nice day for my friends Fotograf�as[/URL]
crieswolfPosted by crieswolf   8/22/12 at 10:25pm
[url=http://www.gimgim6.net/][/url][url=http://www.ytagi.com/]Cute Graphics[/url]
Hell Claudia
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/20/12 at 8:18pm
hello my dear friend :D hugs [url=http://www.desicomments.com/goodmorning/good-morning-22
5/][/url] [url=http://www.desicomments.com/hugs/hugs-to-dear-jpg/][/url] Among the Orchids We never get what we want, We never want what we get, We never have what we like, We never like what we have. And still we live & love. That's life... The best kind of friend, Is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, Never say a word, And then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had. It's true that we don't know What we've got until it's gone, But it's also true that we don't know What we've been missing until it arrives.. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; Just wait for it to grow in their heart, But if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, An hour to like someone, And a day to love someone, But it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, Because it takes only a smile to Make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile! May you have Enough happiness to make you sweet, Enough trials to make you strong, Enough sorrow to keep you human, And enough hope to make you happy. Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, It probably hurts the other person, too. The happiest of people Don't necessarily have the best of everything; They just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness lies for Those who cry, Those who hurt, Those who have searched, And those who have tried, For only they can appreciate the importance of people Who have touched their lives. When you were born, you were crying And everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, You're the one who is smiling And everyone around you is crying. Please send this message To those people who mean something to you, To those who have touched your life in one way or another, To those who make you smile when you really need it, To those that make you see the brighter side of things When you are really down, To those who you want to know That you appreciate their friendship. And if you don't, don't worry, Nothing bad will happen to you, You will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone's life with this message...
carlosmadridPosted by carlosmadrid   8/19/12 at 1:17pm
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/19/12 at 3:13am
ng-Have-a-Wonderful-Beautiful-Day-][/URL] [URL=http://es.blingee.com/pictures/good-morning-have-a-grea
t-day]good morning have a great day Fotograf�as[/URL] [URL=http://es.blingee.com/blingee/view/106274989-Thank-you-
for-your-Friendship][/URL] [URL=http://es.blingee.com/pictures/thank-you-for-your-frien
dship]thank you for your friendship Fotograf�as[/URL]
crieswolfPosted by crieswolf   8/17/12 at 8:43pm
[url=http://www.dreamies.de]dreamies.de[/url][/center] Have a great weekend Claudia
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   8/17/12 at 11:00am
[url=http://www.satisfaction.com/codes/]Pictures, Images[/img][/url]
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Claudia1778 has commented on the profile of carlosmadrid:
Hola amigito! Espero que estas super bien xxxxBesos xxxxx[URL=http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/479984/][/URL][URL=http://animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/723969/][/URL][URL=http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/161225/][/URL]
8/13/12 at 5:00pm
Claudia1778 has commented on the profile of roxane-ar:
Hello my Beautiful friend!Hope you're having a fab week...! x = )Love and hugs xxxx[URL=http://animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/851831/][/URL][URL=http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/600173/][/URL][URL=http://animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/890922/][/URL]
8/13/12 at 4:26pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #973994
Title: Autumn beauty for SuzzieCue
Category: > Forests
Description: Autumn
8/13/12 at 3:19pm
Claudia1778 has commented on the profile of carlosmadrid:
Hello new friend, and thank you for the fan ; ) [URL=http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1132743/][/URL][URL=http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1134621/][/URL][URL=http://animals.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/606212/][/URL]
8/9/12 at 12:58pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #1134621
Title: Purple beauty
Category: > Other
Description: None
8/9/12 at 12:51pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #1132743
Title: Autumn lights
Category: > Forests
Description: Forest
8/9/12 at 12:50pm
Claudia1778 has become a fan of carlosmadrid.
8/9/12 at 12:48pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #641984
Title: Girl Warrior
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: None
8/8/12 at 1:42pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #351665
Title: Kult-Heretic Kingdoms
Category: > Other
Description: videogame-Kult-girl warrior
8/8/12 at 1:42pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #832754
Title: Warrior Woman
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
8/8/12 at 1:40pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #761081
Title: WereWolf Warrior
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
8/8/12 at 1:31pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #887777
Title: bio-armored warrior II
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
8/8/12 at 1:26pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #211051
Title: Fully engaged warrior girl
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: None
8/8/12 at 1:23pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #955462
Title: Red Warrior
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
8/8/12 at 1:22pm
Claudia1778 favorited wallpaper #63390
Title: girl warrior
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
8/8/12 at 1:21pm
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