Profile Comments by BananaMoonProfile Comments by BananaMoon
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Lamamake: Salut Viviane, merci pour ton ''jolie'' commentaire. A priori cela fait plusieurs mois qu'il y a un gros probleme avec les fonds d'ecrans. Sur ton profil cela se passe mieux que sur le mien en tout cas.Joyeuses Paques, pour moi en tant qu'orthodoxe c'est plus tard.(Pour info je ne mets pas les accentuations exprès car elles ne fonctionnent pas correctement)Bises |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Entropy: [URL=//][/URL]From Sarah With Love, Will |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Lamamake: Bien le bonjour Miss. Merci pour le petit passage dans ma rue profilienne. Depuis le 1er novembre 2017, je suis un jeune en retraite Have a great day Belgium girl |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Entropy: Salut Will, Monaco isn't very confortable at this moment because the winter there is a little rough this year, in France too. I prefer to wait until spring because i have all my time now since november 1, 2017. For info Will, for some time, there are technical problems with Desktop Nexus, still not fixed, so that i do not receive any notifications. Well, have a magical day Will of the West |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Entropy: Bonsoir Will, it's a great pleasure to read you again ! I'm fine and have been ''retired'' since Novemeber's weird ! because i'm so young in my head ! Now i have all my time without any more constraints. I hope we will have more opportunity to discuss, you in french and me in english (with Google translator help, perhaps).Au plaisir homme de l'ouestPierre Y |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Monarch: Bonjour my Pretty Princess Nice to read you too. I am retired since november's weird ! in french : cela fait bizarre ! because i am so young in my head ''See'' you soon my Pretty Princess |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Entropy: Salut Will, merci pour le commentaire sur Stars & Stripes, that's cool man . For information, just for fun, since november 1st, i left my world of work...long live total freedom now ! |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Monarch: Bonjour Butterflies Queen[URL=//][/URL] |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Entropy: Salut Will ! |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Lamamake: Bonjour Viviane, cela faisait bien longtemps...donc un grand petit coucou en retour ! |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Monarch: Bonjour Ma Reine des Papillons, i'm back again [URL=//][/URL]Gros Bisous |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Isabelle000: You Welcome |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Isabelle000: Bien le Bonjour Isabelle , have a lovely day ! |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of Lamamake: Salut Viviane, mes hommages du matin depuis Marly-Le-Roi |
BananaMoon has commented on the profile of LOUVE972: Desole pour les points d'interrogation, j'avais oublie qu'il ne fallait pas mettre l'accent, Ooooops !Gros bisous |