Profile Comments by 13darkskyeProfile Comments by 13darkskye
13darkskye has commented on the profile of Savannah54: I too photograph with my own camera my wallpapers! check it out ! |
13darkskye has commented on the profile of 13darkskye: thankyou everyone! |
13darkskye has commented on the profile of taunteanna: Join my new group Dramatic Skies! |
13darkskye has commented on the profile of RockportSpur: Join my new group Dramatic Skies! |
13darkskye has commented on the profile of emma999: Join my new group, Dramatic Skies! |
13darkskye has commented on the profile of RockportSpur: hello thank you for the cool wallpapers on just rust , I also joined your new group Volcanoes, I have many pictures of the volcanoes in my area which is Siskiyou county California, right on the border of Oregon, of course they are all dormant, thank god, But still look very much like volcanoes! any way I just wanted to let you know about a new group I created{Abandoned or Forgotten} some of your wallpapers will fit nicely! |
13darkskye has commented on the profile of 13darkskye: your welcome, and thank you! I do have a bit of a bovine fetish... |